Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well, I have been home sick the last two days and things were definitely beginning to look up and I was feeling so much better. But then, one of the bird fledglings attempted to fly and collided into one of the satellite cables, falling to the ground. Of course, Jerry Lee seized the opportunity. We got Jerry away in time and Craig, with gloved hands, placed the baby back in the nest. An hour later, on my way out to check on the darling, the dogs busted out from behind me and nearly knocked me over. They had seen the bird once again attempt to fly and fall to the ground. This time, we were unable to save him. He passed away in my hands; I felt so awful...we both did. And it is taking everything in my being to not want to knock Jerry Lee in the head with the heaviest cast iron pan I can get my hands on. While all this was going on, the mother bird was sitting on the telephone pole looking on... I felt like I had let her down and have this incredible sadness in my heart. This is the part that I hate when I become attached to any beings...loss.


Carrie™ said...

Oh Michelle! That is soooooo sad. Jerry Lee was only doing what dogs do, but I can totally sympathize. Simon got a squirrel once and although he didn't kill it, he injured it quite badly (broken hind leg) so I had to call the animal control to come pick it up. They would, of course, destroy it. I figured that was better than letting it become food for some other animal.

buffalodick said...

Dog is just being a dog... sad, but I think birds have a pretty high mortality rate until they learn to fly...

Sully Sullivan said...

That is really sad. The dog was just being a dog though, can't blame him. That's nature.

Sorry about the bird though.

deb said...

I'm so sorry. I would have cried too. Nature is cruel at times.

Michelle Ann said...

Thanks everyone! I made up with Jerry this morning...besides, he was playing by the "dog" house rules...everything on the ground is theirs.

I'm better now...sad, but better. Apparently, I now have what is commonly refer to as a "bird dog"

Joe said...

Awww...I'm sorry. But you can't blame the dog for being true to it's nature...or yourself for not being able to save the bird.

Michelle Ann said...

TK-I had a bag of shelled sunflower seeds in my hand...it was the only thing I had to beat him about the head and away from the bird. I have a feeling that Jerry will FOREVER have an aversion of Ziploc bags...

Tanya Kristine said...

hahah...kody has an aversion to Western Feed becuase when he was 3 months old i took him there. he was running around and decided to run out the door and across the street. i about shit my pants and passed out. when i got him i beat the shit out of him. now he HATES that store so i don't make him go in. poor thing.