Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Lost Coast

Last weekend we took to the Lost Coast in the Sinkyone Wilderness State Park, a truly mythical part of California where signs of civilization are nowhere to be seen. Itching to get out of town and away from my moving drama, (when I am ready to post on this, I will) we left town on Friday evening at 6:30 with a 5 hour drive ahead of us. Good thing I was properly trained by my ex-husband because this girl can set up camp in the dark and be enjoying the benefits of wine in no time at all. We stayed up for a couple of hours talking and enjoying the peace of the forest.

A previous camper...

The following day, we got a late start and took off for a hike after 2:30. And it was a challenging one… Unfortunately, my leg started to go out on me, but we at least got to the high point before we turned around and headed back to camp. I was able to capture a beautiful sunset….

On our final day, we took a little nature hike to the beach. The ocean was truly stunning and the sun provided the perfect light for the canvas of my camera



Joe said...

Terrific pictures.

And I've found that if you have enough wine, you eventually stop caring about setting up camp.

buffalodick said...

You haven't been drunk until you've woken up with a white chalk line around your fallen body... I did that once at a Jimmy Buffett concert- people went nuts and took pictures of the drunk guy on the ground...

Adrianne said...

Sounds like you had a great time!

Angel said...

oooooooh yaaaaaa. count me in next time...I wanna go too!

buffalodick said...

Hey! YOu haven't visited, nor posted much.. I know you have gone through a tough time, but saying "Hidy ho" once in a while isn't a lot to ask! Hope you are well, dear...If you're not- say so please...

Brian Gardes said...

wow. Sounds like a great trip! I think I need to do more camping. Ok. I need to do some camping. Any camping.

tavolini said...

oh man, am I jealous!! I'm dying for some beach time :)

Carrie™ said...

Gorgeous photos! I'm not a camping person at all, but you make it sound tolerable (the wine comment & all). Glad to see you back! BTW, who's Graham? Boy Toy?

buffalodick said...

You alive? I sure hope so...

Gustad said...

you commented on my food blog at least once before. i wanted to let you know its back, sorry for the long period of nothingness

Peter Matthes said...

Really beautiful pictures.

pinknest said...

wow, gorgeous!!! was it freezing?!

Tanya Kristine said...

i'm QUITE bored with this blog.

Tanya Kristine said...

you should change the title to "The Lost Michelle"

buffalodick said...

The Millenium has arrived! I'm actually going to agree with Tanya! Your picture on the milk carton isn't flattering, you know..

buffalodick said...

I miss you. Please say something, even if it's wrong...

deb said...

it was lovely to finally meet you. please write. you do it so well.
ox debby

buffalodick said...

Michelle- I like you, and hope all is OK... But when Tanya doesn't speak of you, nor anyone else... what happened?