Monday, March 3, 2008

Jerry and the giant orange

Recently, Jerry has been seduced by a pair of finches that live in the orange tree. He has become a very focused fellow; spending many hours in full-on bird watching mode.


buffalodick said...

We have a rabbit living in the overgrown corner of our yard- when our dog is quiet in the backyard, we know she's "Hunting wabbits"(Elmer Fudd-like chuckle..)
Her chain won't let her go there!

Joe said...

Those mixed species relationships almost never work. Erm...not that I know anything about that...

Tanya Kristine said...

that is hilarious. and a great pix. but beware...mine will be better. ; )

Adrianne said...

What a beautiful dog. I thought he was getting an orange ,when I firs saw the photo.

Jessy and her dog Winnie said...

Aww how cute!!!

Christo Gonzales said...

too cute

now come on and keep up with posting

Anonymous said...

Cute dog!!