Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A trip down memory lane via Best Buy

Craig and I were recently at Best Buy and the cashier talked me into joining their Rewards Zone Program where they give you money back after collecting so many points… So, the cashier asks for my phone number and the exchange goes a bit like this…

“That phone number is coming up with someone else’s name”

“Whose? Craig? Ron?” (my ex husband)

“Nooo, no none of those…”

“Well, can you tell me who?”

“It says Dan Hall”

“WHAT?! My ex fiancĂ©??? That’s not possible; I broke up with that idiot 16 years ago. Best Buy didn’t even exist then…nor did I have a cell phone back then. Can you just change the information?”

During this tirade, I was completely oblivious to the valuable entertainment I was providing to those around us.

“No, you have to use another phone number”

“I’ll just use your phone number Craig; and if it comes up with Jill’s name (Craig’s ex), I refuse to continue. Who knew that I would have my past relationships paraded out at Best Buy? Do you guys offer therapy in the Reward Zone Program?”


All this made me go home and Goggle the idiot ex-fiancé. And this is what I found


This guy needs a new routine. He surprised me with a serenaded proposal too when he popped the question …

I know, it makes you throw up a little in your mouth…huh?


Tanya Kristine said...

i still cannot get over that. that's very twilight zoney.

Jessy and her dog Winnie said...

Wow, thats wicked creepy!

buffalodick said...

Wow! After all those years...

Christo Gonzales said...

creep zone is what that is....

Sornie said...

Yet another reason why Best Buy is on my list. Not that I've needed post-Rewards ZOne therapy but I have my reasons.

pinknest said...

LOL! i'm sorry, i threw up a little but in between lmao.

Adrianne said...

I am never going into best buy. Thanks for the tip.

Wait I am slow was that article on your ex? Hmm.

Thats wow, I don't know what to say.

Robin said...

definitely barf worthy!

Joe said...

Hey! Dan Hall used my phone number too. Turns out the bastard has been racking up Rewards Zone points all over the country!