We had started the move around 8:30 and finished up by 11:30…it was the fastest move I have ever undertaken. And so far, nothing appears to have been broken. But, I haven’t unpacked all the boxes…yet. Since the move was over so quickly, it allowed for some to catch the football game at noon and for some to work in an overnight camping trip to Salt Point and a day hike on Monday. The company, food and drink were just what I needed after a week of running around and packing…a moment “off the grid” so to speak…priceless. The weather was perfect and we found ourselves in t-shirts and tank tops in January no less! Incredible, truly incredible.
Tuesday I had my satellite installed and now, all items have been checked off the list for the new place. So, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I am looking forward to what this year has to offer. However, I did decide to give the New Year a “jump start” and join some local women, food and wine groups. The first event I am attending with the ladies is a cocktails and cinema outing on February 8th…sounds like fun! My first food group event is a Mardi Gras party on March 7…I need to bring some dish inspired by the spirit and food of New Orleans. So, I will have a little researching and experimenting to do. Luckily, the food and the wine group are organized and comprised of the same members…should be a ton of fun.
It has been wonderful to be in my new place and take time to breathe in and breathe out. The last year was full of so many ups and downs, challenges and rewards. And there were definitely times that I felt that my life was no longer mine, that I was sitting there watching it barrel out of control. Sometimes, drastic measures must be taken to take care of you. And once you know what you have to do, you only hurt yourself in delaying taking action. All of us need to do what is in the best interest of yourselves…this doesn’t mean that we are selfish or cruel, rather we are self preserving and no one should be faulted for making unpopular choices when left with no other options in our relationships with love ones, friends and family.
My choice to distance myself from my father earlier this year was not an easy one and I suspect that this will be an ongoing struggle for me. My father and I are still trying to work out our enormous differences and we may never get there. I have learned to accept this possible inevitability and any improvement will be a pleasant surprise. But, I am not counting on anything…. I have been around the block on this one, SEVERAL times.
So, I am still attempting to grow up as I head toward 40.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.